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Our Governing Body

Governors are very active at Seaview Primary School. Please feel free to contact any of them about any issues you would like raising at our next full Governing Body meeting. Governors work closely with headteachers, school staff and representatives from the local authority (LA). 

  • Mr Stephen Turns – Chair of Governors
  • Mrs Jeanette Carr – Vice Chair of Governors
  • Mrs Cath Metcalf – Parent Governor
  • Mrs Kathryn Roberts – Co-opted Governor
  • Councillor John Purvis – Local Authority Governor
  • Mrs Nicola Brown – Parent Governor
  • Mrs Gemma Slater – Parent Governor
  • Mr John Fletcher – Co-opted Governor
  • Mrs Laura Phillips – Staff Governor
  • Mrs Lexi Wilkinson – Headteacher
  • Mr Paul Gingell – Associate Governor

How To Become A School Governor

If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.


Our governors give their own free time to attend the following meetings:

Full Governing Body:
The full Governing Body meets once during each half term. The first meeting is concerned with issues raised by our Local Authority, which have an effect on our school. This might be the introduction of a new Government Policy which our school needs to consider and then adopt. The second meeting is much more personal and is all about what’s going on in Seaview Primary School. This meeting is very often a joint staff / governor meeting, where our full team meet to discuss changes and improvements, which need to be made to ensure that your child gets the very best deal.

Finance Committee:
As the name suggest this Committee Meeting is all about setting and monitoring the whole school budget. This Committee meets twice each term. Governors work with the Headteacher to prioritise the needs of the school and to collate quotations from suppliers and contractors. This Committee is also responsible for the maintenance and general upkeep of our school building.

Curriculum and Standards Committee:
This Committee meets twice each term. The meetings all focus on issues which concern your child and the quality of education s/he receives here at Seaview Primary School. During this meeting we would discuss anything from how we propose to improve attendance to how we teach phonics in school.

Personnel Committee:
This Committee meets when necessary. This Committee is responsible for assisting with the appointing of staff. Members of this Committee would be heavily involved in shortlisting and interviewing staff.

Pay Review Committee:
This Committee meets once a year. This Committee is responsible for ensuring that all teaching staff have been appraised. This means that individual targets have been set for teachers, which have been monitored rigorously by the Headteacher.

Disciplinary Committee:
This Committee meets when necessary. The issue to be discussed could concern a child (e.g. an exclusion) or a member of staff (e.g. an allegation by a child). The Committee meets to discuss evidence presented to them. A decision is then reached about the necessary course of action.

Appeals Committee:
This Committee meets when necessary. This Committee meets when a parent, or member of staff, is not happy with the decision reached by the Disciplinary Committee.

Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

Seaview Primary adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.

For further information please view or download the full document below.

The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)

Governing Body Committee Structure

Governor Attendance


governor committee attendance 2023 2024.pdf



Committee Terms Of Reference

terms of reference.pdf


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